
Make It Stand Out.

Aging proces begins with the first breath and just as breathing is completely natural. We are aging, but we can still feel young when we care about our health. Our skin can also look beautiful despite of the aging.

Why the skin aging become so visible? 

Most because of the sagging collagen fibers. Collagen fibers are like rubbers in a mattress, as long as they are elastic, the mattress does not collapse. When the rubbers become stiff and dry, the mattress loses its shape. 

Likewise, when collagen fibers lose their elasticity, our face loses its contour and wrinkles appear. The best anti-aging therapy is to keep collagen and elastin resilient.

How to do it? 

Here are the three most important ingredients for collagen and elastin:

  • Hyaluronic acid

  • Vitamin C 

  • Retinol 

Hyaluronic acid is like a sponge that retains water in the skin. Collagen surrounded by the acid does not lose its elasticity.

How to provide the skin with hyaluronic acid? 

The best method is mesotherapy, administering micro doses of the acid to the skin.  Another new method is the injection of tissue stimulants. Tissue stimulants increase the production of hyaluronic acid.

Vitamin C is an essential ingredient, skin cells need vitamin C to produce collagen. Cream is not enough to get vitamin C to the skin. Vitamin C does not pass through the epidermis. It is best to administer vitamin C through microneedling – by using Dermapen. Vitamin C can also be given in the Retix C exfoliating treatments.

Retinol - a miracle molecule. Retinol is another name for vitamin A. It has skin regenerating properties. Helps with acne, skin discoloration, wrinkles and scars. It protects collagen against damage and is an antioxidant. Retinol is a miracle molecule in anti-aging therapies. It is best to apply it to the skin as a serum and in the form of deep exfoliating peelings.

In our clinic we have a wide range of anti-aging treatments. Remember that the aging process begins long before we see its first signs. 

It is worth thinking about preventive treatments after the age of 25. Regular mesotherapy with hyaluronic acid and exfoliating treatments will delay the appearance of the first signs of skin aging by at least ten years.

The sooner you think about anti-aging, the later the aging process will start. 

Anti-aging treatments are preventive treatments. When signs of skin aging appear, it is too late for them. When the wrinkles become visible and face contour starts collapsing, we need to use more invasive methods.

That is why it is worth thinking about our skin beforehand. Make an appointment with our anti-aging experts. We will advise the best therapy for all skin types.

There is really nothing to be afraid of.


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